ARFIS (är΄ fis), n.
Ancestral Research Focus Impairment Syndrome.
1. Pathol. an acute, commonly epidemic disease, occurring in several forms, caused by numerous discovered genealogical links and characterized by frequently jumping from branch to branch while researching a family tree.
2. Alt. Pathol. also known to cause afflicted individuals to lose track of the passage of time due to intense concentration on the investigation of heredity history.
3. Usage:
§ ARFIS prevented me from identifying all the siblings.
§ I’m sorry dinner’s late, my ARFIS was acting up.
§ I’m so tired today. I was up late with ARFIS.
§ What fire?
It gave me a good laugh. I laugh not because of how ridiculous this sounds, but because of how true this fits my life at the moment. I am just glad to know I am not the only one to suffer from this. :)
What is great is that there is a name for it!